Still Under Construction

This project was conducted through ME 115A: Introduction to Human Values in Design, a class advised by David Kelley. For 4 weeks, our 3-person team was tasked with developing a product or service to reimagine fitness for senior citizens. 

This page is still under construction, but my most important takeaways from this project include: 
1. Becoming a more immersed and empathetic user researcher. Pages of notes and hours of interviews and observation allowed our team to reach core insights pertaining to how fitness and isolation correlate for senior citizens.

2. Growth in my ability to prototype (even sacrificial prototypes) rapidly and incorporate feedback from our user group.

3. Pride in the narrative we formed, which encapsulates the key insights and needs of 80+ seniors and how our product addresses them.

4. A vow never to design alone — I learned one day prototyping when team members were not available that it was infeasible for me to simultaneously be scribe, interviewer, filmer, and observer at the same time. 

You can also browse the cacophany of pictures below featuring our work need-finding, developing a Point of View, brainstorming solutions, and iterating a prototype. You can also check out my first project here

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